OLLC Livestreaming

Our Lord's Online 

Worship in-person or online with us each weekend - Saturdays at 4:50pm for Praise Worship or Sundays at 9:00am for Traditional Worship!


Worship & Education

Praise Worship: Saturdays at 4:50pm
Traditional Worship: Sundays at 9:00am (weekly) & 10:45 am on the second Sunday of the month
Adult Education Hour: Sundays at 10:15am
Confirmation Class: Sundays at 10:15am
Elementary Sunday School: Sundays at 10:15am
High School Sunday School: Sundays at 10:15am

Our Lord's Lutheran Church In Building Worship

Our Lord's Fair Trade Ministry

Fair Trade Ministry

Shop to support Equal Exchange and SERRV International.


Events & Announcements

Please check back soon for announcements and events!