Adult Education and Fellowship
Crafts & Laughs
We are currently on summer break and will resume meeting in the fall of 2023.
The second Tuesday of each month we will meet to create a craft and share in the fun of being together. Engage in 'make and takes' anyone can do! Experience crafting for the entire family--young or nearly young, ladies or men! All Craft & Laugh events are $10/craft per evening. Crafting begins at 6:30-? Bring your own drink and a snack to share if you desire. RSVP & pre-pay by the Sunday prior to each craft night. Contact Cindy Pugh (618-334-1046) or Karen Larson (314-306-5987) if you plan to attend the March event.
Tuesday Tea
This online fellowship group meets at 3:00pm each Tuesday, via Zoom, to discuss daily life, relevant topics, and to enjoy one another’s company. Zoom invitations can be found in our weekly congregational emails or through the church office. For more information, please contact Pastor Darla Ann.
Feeding The Soul
We are currently on summer break and will resume meeting in the fall of 2023.
We meet in either the Worship Center Fellowship Hall, or, weather permitting, Drost Park, Shelter 5. Everyone is welcome to participate. For more information, please contact Pastor Darla Ann.
Morning Glories Women's Bible Study

New Members Class
This new members class, also called “Making Connections,” is a set of gatherings for both those interested in joining Our Lord's Lutheran Church as well as current members interested in developing a deeper relationship and understanding of Our Lord’s. This class meets several times a year, and dates/times are announced periodically in the weekly announcements. For more information, please contact Pastor Darla Ann or the church office.

Serendipity Book Club
We will next meet on June 19 at 11:30 am. We will be discussing A Journal For Jordan by Dana Canady. Bringing your lunch is optional. The meeting can be made available on Zoom upon request. Please contact Elaine Baden for more information.
Our Lord's Crafters
We will next meet on June 28th in the Worship Center Fellowship Hall from 12-3 pm. Please contact Kathy Nehrt for more information.
Men's Bible Study
(Currently on HIATUS) This Men’s Bible Study meets monthly for a hot breakfast, coffee, and spiritual conversation. Fellowship and friendly support unfold as scripturally based, relevant topics are discussed. Bible knowledge is not required. All men are welcome and encouraged to bring a friend. For more information, please contact Mike Hester.
Sunday Morning Adult Education Hour
Our Sunday morning adult study meets at 10:15am in the Worship Center Conference Room between September-May. Grab a cup of coffee in the commons area and join the group for insightful, intriguing, lessons and discussion. For more information, please contact Dona Racich.

Questions Bible Study
Late Boomers
This ministry was formed to meet the fellowship needs of the Baby Boomer generation within the congregation as members facilitate friendships, support one another, and participate in occasional service projects together. Once a month, a group member organizes a gathering for a meal and fun activity either at their home or local restaurant. These gatherings often have a seasonal, holiday, or other type of theme like Halloween, Chinese New Year, or Pirates Day. These gatherings the participants an opportunity to catch up with each other while having fun. Service projects are also often on the agenda. Most Late Boomers members are from the Baby Boomer generation but all are welcome to join. For more information, please contact Loretta Williams.
Senior Fellowship
(Currently on HIATUS) Our Lord's has an excellent way for our retired seniors in the congregation to connect. Gathering in the Life Center Conference room once a month, the seniors at Our Lord's congregate for an afternoon of great food, laughs, and warm fellowship. Tables full of games and friends await all who come. For more information, please contact Laura Shoenecker.